Using SONOS PlayBar

Looked in forums and tried all the ways including changing port to see if I can stream from my PC to PlayBar but no luck, keep getting msg in my SONOS controller that it could not be encoded.

Please Help!

i use it with SONOS play 1. after last softwareupdate a few days ago i had to reconfigure the streaming url in the sonos controller software.

  • copy the url from swyh-menue >tools/http-live-streaming
  • <li>create a new radiostation in controller-menue &gt;manage/add-radio-station and paste the streaming-url. name it as you like.</li>

    you can find the new radiostation in your Radio by TuneIn. maybe thats it. if its working, you can add it to your favourites.

    Oh my word you are a life saver thank-you your advice worked. :slight_smile: