Can I share Amazon music unlimited with another account?

Sharing Amazon Music Unlimited service with other accounts is generally not permitted.

Amazon Music Unlimited is a streaming subscription service that provides users with unlimited access to millions of songs and albums. According to Amazon’s terms of use, subscriptions are based on individual accounts and typically do not allow users to transfer or share account access or subscription privileges with other accounts. This means only the subscribed account can enjoy the unlimited music streaming service provided.

Furthermore, during your membership period, you can download music for offline playback; however, once the membership expires, previously added songs will become unplayable unless purchased outright. If you wish to share musical experiences with others, purchasing physical music or digital music files, which can be gifted to others, maybe an alternative option.

In summary, the Amazon Music Unlimited subscription service is designed for personal use and does not support sharing across multiple accounts. If there is a need for music sharing, consider other methods to achieve this goal, like downloading a TuneCable Amazon Music Recorder to save your Amazon Music playlists as local files then you are allowed to share the music playlists as files with your friends or move them to any external device without limitation.

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